Thinking Out Loud - Ms. Green

Commentaries from a female, conservative Christian worldview. Intermittent observations on human behavior and current events. Occasional bursts of personal tirades,confessions, and discoveries. Frequent discussions about my "Narrow-Minded Faith".

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Monday, May 15, 2006

Abortion and Christianity Don't Mix

I have been an active anti-abortionist for many years and still believe that one does not have to be a Christian to see the evil and the injustice in this act of government-sanctioned murder. So when I read in the local paper quotes from local "religious" leaders on abortion, it prompted me to sit down and furiously tap out this letter on my keyboard. This letter is actually several years old, but still relevant.

One minister remarked that life and choice are two issues presented in Genesis, implying that this somehow supported the “limited choice” stance of both he and his Church. I would like to remind him that the wrong “choice” is what brought death and banishment from paradise to Adam and Eve. The article goes on to say that he is “uncomfortable” with partial birth abortions as though he is discussing a piece of furniture.

Another "minister" claimed that “abortion at all is disgusting” but then claimed that “Jesus wouldn’t want a pregnancy that resulted from incest or rape” or where the life of the mother was threatened. Sounds like she thinks Jesus would advocate murdering unborn children in “some cases”. I’d be curious to know what Scripture she would quote to support such a position.

I expect women’s libbers to make such statements. It’s disappointing to see “Christian” leaders who will acquiesce and water down or deny Scripture to prevent themselves from being labeled “right wing, bigoted, hate-mongering radicals” by the world. I commend the one pastor who stated unequivocally that abortion is murder, even though he will be the one labeled as extreme.

As for the one feminist's “religious thing” that “God trusts us to be in charge of birth and children”, I say that God gave us the “privilege” of having children and that it is we who need to trust God, not God who needs to trust us.


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At 9:38 AM, Blogger Angella214 said...

Very well said!

Ya know - you have such a way with words! I miss you! :-)

At 11:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How come America? Trees have rights but unborn babies don't?
Abortion kills a child, yes a child, every 20 seconds!


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