Political Graveyard
I heard it again the other day…
Republicans are too far to the right – they need to move more toward the center.
This is a lie from the Liberal pit of hell. But I’m hearing it from Republican leaders.
Have they forgotten that this very idea, this “Republicans need to move toward the center” philosophy, did not originate with the Republicans? Statements like these originated with the Liberal left. The Congressmen, media pundits and other left-wing representatives started this train of thought back before George Bush Sr. was in office. And the stupid Republican hierarchy bought into it, and made it their own.
“Republican” used to be synonymous with “Conservative”, but that was a long time ago.
The Liberals won that battle. They indoctrinated the Republicans by their constant chant in the Republic ear: “Move toward the center…move toward the center…move toward the center.”
This is what gave us mediocre, non-productive Republican control of Congress during the Clinton and George W Bush years.
This is what caused the tables to turn and allow a Democratically controlled Congress.
This is what gave us John McCain.
This is what gave us Barack Hussein Obama in the White House.
This caused Conservatives to retreat into a political graveyard.
Conservatives started becoming frustrated during the Clinton years.
They started becoming discouraged during the Bush senior years.
They became apathetic during the W. Bush years.
They refused to vote in 2008.
This allowed less than 25% of the population of the United States to put BHO in office.
At that point, they nearly gave up completely.
Then the tea parties began...
... and hope began to surface – there ARE more of us out there than we thought…But many other conservatives are still waiting. They aren’t all dead yet – just lying in their political graveyard.
This will be the downfall of the Republican party unless it adopts a new mantra:
“Move toward the right… Move toward the right… Move toward the right.”
Put a Reagan conservative on the ballot for 2012 and watch the graves open.
Labels: Conservatism