Thinking Out Loud - Ms. Green

Commentaries from a female, conservative Christian worldview. Intermittent observations on human behavior and current events. Occasional bursts of personal tirades,confessions, and discoveries. Frequent discussions about my "Narrow-Minded Faith".

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Sunday, November 16, 2008

Kenyan Physician Recognizes About Obama What Most Voters in the US Did Not

Dr. Stephen Karanja is head of the Catholic Doctors’ Association of Kenya. He sees the election of Obama as a terrible thing that is going to cause trouble in Africa.

We in Kenya know him as a person who is anti-family,” says Dr. Karanja.

"He is “pro-abortion and anti-family”.

How will Obama’s presidency affect Kenya adversely?

Life Site News Article

Or for a Ms. Green synopsis:

Although 90 percent of Kenyans consider abortion to be an abomination, international aid organizations continue to come in and promote anti-child, anti-family ideology. During the Bush administration, overseas funding for contraceptives and abortion was greatly reduced. However, under a pro-abortion administration, organizations such as International Planned Parenthood will come in and promote an increase in baby killing.

The most insightful quote from the Doctor was this:

“There is something in Africa we have that they should come and learn,” he continued. 'Something called ‘respecting the family’ respecting the elders, respecting the children, hoping for the best, and not being ruled. And people from the west have a problem with this.”

Something called ‘respecting the family’ respecting the elders, respecting the children, hoping for the best, and not being ruled. And people from the west have a problem with this.

Truest words I've heard in a long time.

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At 2:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ms Green, Its alarming to hear others outside our country who clearly see our nation drifting into the direction of Socialism and Marxism. I suspect our nation has crossed a line that it cannot easily step back from. Conservatives and Christians of all stripes who dearly love our Country must stand up and step out to warn and to muster the might to push back this approaching evil. It will require much prayer and fasting. God Bless, Herm

At 2:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Kenyan Christians I know are also disappointed at the pro-gay theology in some U.S. churches. It drives the liberals in the UMC crazy, because they are dying to tell the African delegations that they are just backwards. But the Africans take the Bible seriously, whereas these apostates quit that years ago.

At 3:01 PM, Blogger Ms.Green said...

But the Africans take the Bible seriously, whereas these apostates quit that years ago.

Oh for the day when the majority of our citizens did likewise.

At 3:03 PM, Blogger Ms.Green said...

I suspect our nation has crossed a line that it cannot easily step back from.

Herm, I'm even less optimistic. I think we've lost the USA as we knew it for good. The next step will be God's hand of protection being lifted off of this once-God-honoring country. And we'll deserve it.

At 6:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Neil, Ms. Green, I have been wondering for some time why evangelical and fundamentalist leaders in our nation haven't come together in one clear and strong voice to challenge mainstream religion about homosexually in their midst. I mean throwing the glove down and get in their sandbox and expose them for what they really are. Godless hypocrites who are defaming God's word. The bible is explicitly clear on this. There is no argument period. It is a sacrilege for them to even hold a bible in their pews. The true church as a hole has been just to weak on this in my view. Herm

At 8:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I agree completely. Orthodox Christians were too nice and didn't exercise church discipline when these liberal theologians infiltrated the church. It started over one hundred years ago. They need to grow spines and say enough is enough. Part of the problem was taking the pro-gay / pro-abortion arguments too seriously. They should have been quickly dismissed as idiocy and then the church should have moved on.

At 9:04 PM, Blogger Ms.Green said...

"They should have been quickly dismissed as idiocy and then the church should have moved on."

Society has so preached "tolerance" that I think too many churches were and are afraid to stand up for anything - or by the same token, against anything.

At 6:50 PM, Blogger David Wyatt said...

True, all. The key is getting back to the Word of God & standing on it as our Foundation. It alone is living & powerful, able to pierce down to the dividing of soul & spirit! It alone can discern the very intentions of the heart! No wonder the devil wants to hide it under the rug. Let it shine!!!!!!!!
God Bless you all, brothers & sisters in Christ!


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