Why I Worship God
He knows me better than I know myself.
He knows when I go to sleep and when I wake up. He understands my every thought and emotion.
He is all around me. He is my protection.
He knows my thoughts before I think them and my words before I speak them. Not only that, but He knows my heart and my motive for them.
He is in front of me, clearing the way. He's got my back. His power is over me at all times.
Knowing this is more than I can comprehend. The very creator of all the universe, the uncaused first cause of all that exists, takes a personal interest in me.
There is no place I can go where He is not. He's been where I have been, He's there where I'm going, and He's here where I am - and all at the same time.
Darkness can't hide me from Him. Light and dark are the same to Him - He is master of them both.
He knew me before I was born. He formed me in my mother's womb. I am unique - not because of anything I can claim to be, but because He made me, loved me, died for me, and then saved my soul when I called out to Him - even though I did not deserve it.
How could I NOT worship Him.
Inspired by Psalm 139
Labels: Scripture
Ms.Green, You know, for me, learning to worship God was a most difficult concept at first. All my attempts seemed so inadequate and small. As the years went by, the Lord drew me closer and closer to his divine nature. I began to understand how intimately the Lord wants us to know him. How important the walks and conversations I had with him, when I was experiencing difficult times, were in building this relationship. Soon, I found myself openly praising and worshiping him as I would take walks and converse with him, or stop what I was busy at, just to say, Lord, thank you for this tool, that makes my job easier today. These are worship times too! There and times also when I just sit and consider how many times God has healed, delivered, supplied, provided, some need in my life, my family, or friends and acquaintances. It overwhelms me so much that all I can do is cry out "Praise you Lord, PRAISE YOU LORD! THANK YOU SO VERY, VERY MUCH FOR YOUR GREAT LOVE AND MERCY TO US YOUR CHILDREN."
Sometimes the simple or seemingly small things we do or say for the Lord, waif up as a most fragrant aroma to God, when it is given with a pure and spontaneous heart.
We serve a great and awesome God, who also wants us to know him intimately.This too, is worship. God Bless, Herm
I rarely cry, but when I get in the presence of God during my quiet time, or during a time of worship, I'm overwhelmed by Who He is and how He loves me - in spite of my undeservedness.
I should ask a simple question - Hope you don't mind. You said so many things about God. How do you know all those? Did he tell you? I'm just trying to understand your logic.
- V
I know it must sound strange to you, but God has so revealed Himself to me in the last 8 or 9 years that He is as real to me as any member of my family. I started out believing because of the undeniable truths I found in Scripture, but then once I surrendered to Him and made a free will decision to believe in Him and trust Him for my salvation, He opened my eyes to the spiritual aspect of my world and I've never been the same since. I know how that must sound, because I remember being an agnostic and scoffing at such remarks. I'm sorry I can't give you a better answer.
The Words of God are foolishness to the unbeliever. They cannot see because God has not opened their eyes yet. Only when they surrender to God will they understand.
This, too, cannot be understood by the unbeliever.
God is the fount of all knowledge. It is only through Him that we see and understand.
"Hear, if you have ears".
See, if you have eyes.
Darn it. I keep forgetting to hit the "e-mail follow up comments" button. You may delete this comment, Ms. Green, although I know you don't need permission.
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